Your Culture
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Your Culture
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Culture Shift
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Cultural Myopia
White people have been raised to think that these quaint and colorful indigenous people, over there, those people have a culture!
But me? Oh, no! I don't live in a culture. This is life! This is the peak of human success. This is civilization!
The primitive, indi-genous culture, they simply haven't caught up with us. They haven't caught up with iPhones, wireless Internet, intense fertilized mono-agriculture strawberries, corporate personhood, hierarchical governments, being an employee, the gym, Hollywood blockbusters, fracking, resource wars, Black Fridays, ...
Cultural Relativism
A very new idea, coinced by Kurt Vonnegut in
Examples of Your Culture
Courageous people created a paragraph describing a culture in which their personal values could thrive.
I’m longing for a culture of transformation that cares for the future, a culture that irritates and inspires, a culture centered in learning, experimenting and committing. I‘m sensing into a future about friendship and community, joy and health. This culture will be characterized by responsibility, vulnerability, diversity, aliveness and integrity. Looking forward to meet you there!
— Geriet
“My culture is sourced in Love by people who come together to source what is needed when it is needed without knowing how. Discovery and experimentation move this culture to its edges and so it unfolds, transforms, and changes, as many times as needed. The roots of this culture are in being with each other in simplicity. This is the nucleus. Integrity and precision are the guardians of the gameworld.”
— Sonia Maia Gonçalves, Nomad
In my culture, children will be educated in schools where they have the choice of what to study—exploring various and unusual subjects, spending a lot of time in nature, and learning about mature and positive communication. Parents will be involved in the school and in planning lessons and activities. In the small town, people will live in communities that maintain a cooperative economy, create joint creative projects and trips, engage in conversations among community members, and collaborate in all areas of life.
— Shay Lihi Bar Av
My culture is about openly sharing what each person is discovering and creating and inviting joiners so maximum benefit for all is ongoing, weaving in emotional healing processes and trainings like this one; Possibility Village Lab!
In my culture people converge into temporary project-creation groups, and diverge into smaller mobile teams to thread through and around the world experimenting either delivering new kinds of evolutionary offers, seeding Arciarchy according to what’s needed in each location.
— Nicole Hartley Bratford, Canada
In The culture that reflects my values is Nonmaterial Value centered; initiations to jack into Archetypal domains and resources; Radical Responsible creations to unfold the potential of fellow human beings. Celebrations happens during the death and resurrection show of rebirth from the ashes. The experience of resonance in villages, teams and 3cells makes transformation lead to Intimacy and intimacy lead to transformation. Creative collaboration occurs in Archiarchy Invention Centers where edgeworkers intersect a the bidding of Gaia and for the ecstasy of their Archetypal Lineages and their Beings.
— Anne-Chloé Destremeau, Nomad
Dear Village, my culture is based on reality, integrity and vulnerability, where people have high level responsibility and are committed and hold space for aliveness. Intimacy is acknowledged and encouraged through setting different energetic spaces for different purposes.
— Catarina Joaquim
Moja Kultura to wspólnota. Wspolnota która bezpiecznie, w zaufaniu, połączeniu wewnętrznym i ze światem zewnętrznym buduje sprawnie działającą i samoregulujące się organizację. Wspólnota, która odkrywa nowe przestrzenie i nawiguje siebie w wewnętrznym i zewnętrznym wzroście.
My Culture is community. A community that builds a well-functioning and self-regulating organization safely, in trust, and connected internally and with the outside world. A community that discovers new spaces and navigates itself in internal and external growth.
— Leszek, Poland
My culture is an evolutionary adventure team that explores the edges of what we know in all our bodies. We co-create and discover the next thoughtmaps through wild play, rapid transformation, and commitment to our paths and to each other. The culture reaches towards radical responsibility, moves to empower other communities and beings more ecstatic creation and possibility into the world. This community feeds itself by nurturing intimacy for the creation and discovery of the next evolutionary game that we want to play. High level fun, initiation, evolution, possibility, love, and intimacy are the Bright Principles fueling this culture.
— Meredith Witt, USA
My culture is one of Collaboration, Empowerment, and Aliveness. People are on each other’s teams to come more alive, create the things they want to create, and bring their full radiance into the world. We are committed to creating spaces of Being With, where Love can flow. We commit to our individual and collective Healing and Evolution. It is a culture of Radical Responsibility, where people are treated with Dignity, as adults.
— Hannah Hirsch, USA
A Cultura que eu anseio baseada no valor não material no qual as pessoas tenham como se relacionam com seres, com Gaia e entre si com irmandade. As mulheres empoderem umas as outras, soprando o fogo uma das outras, para que a sua semente se espalhem por Gaia. mulheres e homens trabalhando juntos, empoderando uns aos outros para serem seus destinos em ação. Anseio por uma cultura na qual os adultos chamem pelo ser de uma criança quando ela nasce, e que cada criança tenha uma mentora ou mentor para desenvolver seus talentos.
Anseio por uma cultura em que Gaia não seja um recurso.
— Danielle Barros, Brasil
My culture is about going to the Edge, about willingness to be taken apart, about something more miraculous than defendedness. There is pulling back the curtain on what a human can be, with real investigation on what is possible. No human would be left behind. Meaning, there would be seeing the dignity underneath every attempt of survival, and centeredness and commitment to not play a hierarchy game and destroy the beautiful potential of the Being beneath. There would be time for lovemaking. There would be Radical Freedom to have fun. There would the ecstasy of doing whatever it takes to meet each other in more collaboration and creation. There would be constant teamwork in helping each other take apart the screws and letting it all fall apart in the service of transformation.
— Daway Chou Ren, USA
We live in a culture based on a premise that everyone takes a radical responsibility for themselves and their healing. There is a high level of integrity and everyone 18+ is a conscious adult. People have courage to face their fears and to express themselves and their feelings. We co-create together and there is also a sense of freedom and curyto go and explore, to leave and come back together, reorganize and grow. We value joy and create activities and events that bring us joy, like dancing, singing, playing music, playing games, laugh together, having silly time together with kids. We have a clear sense of purposes and direction. We live from our hearts, feel love and appreciation for each other.
— Kasia Sanvee
My culture reflects that people radically care for themselves, each other and the planet. Radical honesty is the standard communication style and collaboration, aliveness and authenticity are the center values. We radically love all forms of life and protection the waters, speaking to the common interest is guardianship and evolution. My culture holds space for celebration and forms of responsible in-contact affection. People are sensitive to their own and each other’s needs and desires. We hold each other accountable and stay connected as a web to source support for each other’s paths. We exercise radical generosity and help each other grow, putting life at the center.
— Tamara Montenegro, USA
In my culture discovering what it means to have choice takes a village and community. Adults take responsibility for themselves, their emotions and their messes. They ask for a team when needed and the village is ready to respond with love and clarity. Each person commits to themselves and the space we are co-creating with integrity. Together we unfold and discover what authenticity really is and what it can create. Meanwhile the children can have the childhood we never had. Be free to make messes and not have the pressure to clean it up. Children have the space to follow their impulses, be inspired and in connection with Gaia. It is a space for feeling it all, letting our hearts speak and being in real connection with each other. As the adults feel more we create more capacity for the children to feel too. Everyone has a space to be heard.
— Sareeta Pattni, England
A Culture that doesn't relate to the modern world. A space of true transformation, not dependant of wealth and power, where each person delievers unique value from his being and is cherished for it. Where we act with responsability towards our planet, taking the necessary care for the future generations. Where we live in empathy and true conection with every living being!
— Miguel
In my culture people value collaboration and connection. We divide our time between tending to nature and beings around us and wildly boosting our creative potential in connections and empowering others in the same. We cherish aliveness, authenticity and presence in here and now. We do not give up on each other. We all together respect and source from the mistery of life. Material possessions we give little attention to - we might admire their beauty for no reason or we are grateful for their practical use. It is How each one shows up in the world, it is how we ARE each moment is the most important. Life is playful. Reality is there.
— Berenika
In the Center of my Culture is Integrity and High Level Fun Creation. There is no Wrongness in this Culture. It is the variety of fully initiated Adult Women and Men who are at Service of and Source of their Archetypal Lineage. Being in Service of a greater power for a regenerative alive Culture. The Creations of these colourful alive humans cross-pollinate each other and provide a whole bunch of Abundance for people to be in their Power. We are playing full out with people who are enjoying each other and each other's creations.
— Lisa Ommert, Germany
We build a culture of earth and people care. We value the technology of the body to bring awareness to the present and power of the heart. We treat the body with care love and respect. Communities use their 5 body intelligence to incubate innovative ideas that are able to regenerate connection to self eachother and nature. There is synergy between architects, builders, healers, and farmers. Each person brings their authentic curiosity and offers their product/service into the space as an offering to the village. We raise a culture of kids that learn from embodied adults and innovative head hands heart learning and expansion.
— Inès
My culture is a collaborative exploratory culture, based on radical honesty, where people can come together in the Edge of their fear, being present with what is, exploring with each other what do you want to create at each moment. Sourced by love, Integrity and discovery.
— Juliana
I live in direct access to spaces where collaboration, experimentation, transformation and miracles are a daily facet of life. I live and play in big game worlds that have a big restorative impact on Gaia with my closest friends and family. My life is rich, slow, deeply intimate, a constant adventure, with an abundance of possibility. I walk through the world with aliveness, radiating the heart of my Being, wherever I am. I bring Fierce Love to my life, which invites a palpable sense of immediacy and interconnectedness with life. I love myself and others deeply, holding space for the expansion and evolution of hearts in relationship and community. I stand strong in my adult, commited to where I am and my next step into the unknown, with a sharp sword, a Bright heart, and an aligned soul, life unfolds in front of me - one feeling at a time.
— Axios Pappaflessas, Greek
The culture I cavitate radically relies on impulses sourced from the unknown here and now in collaboration with ECCO. My culture neutrally brings light into its underworld by revealing it and exploring it with a Neutral eye, so that it’s every and information becomes fuel for Transformation and Creation in the Upper World. Villaging happens, with a childrens culture distinct from an adults culture. Adults hold space for children to unfold and eventually initiate their own seed to source an emerging next culture.
— Maria Diaz Tirado, Nomad
TI put my energy in a society or co-create a society, where connection to creation, life and humans are at focus. Relating on heart level, respect, foregiveness, generousity are state of the art. Curious adventurous research of potential is the name of the game. Comittment, integrity, responsibility, joy and fun are the companions.
— Philippe Comunetti, Switzerland
In the culture I create, Women and Men grow our own food while regenerating and nourishing the land. Fruits. Flowers. Torus Technology is how we operate and decision make. The children play and learn skills organically, necessary to grow in their non material value, and are treated as equals. Laughter. Our culture values sensitivity, intimacy, has global projects in place that protect and replenish the lands and waters, and empower humankind. Wildness. Sharing clothing sometimes, sewing our own, and dressing elegantly and simply. Holding initiations and transformational spaces. People come and experience this. They crack open into their Love and their hearts when they enter in. No hidden lives. Writing books. People are so awake that their bodies take on new shapes. We move from space to space converging villages. We change the spaces we move through. Impulse circling to see the next thing.
— Beth McNamara, USA
The new culture of embodied relating I create is based on authenticity, radical honesty & aliveness - empowering myself & others to feel, to speak from their heart, to have difficult conversations, to state desires, fears, boundaries that lead to higher levels of love and what makes people excited about life. Rooted in compassion & kindness, based on commitment to the new culture, I create systems & playgrounds for creativity to blossom and ignite courage to put dreams into reality.
— Kasia, Poland
In me lives a seed of a culture that is based upon initiating human beings into their essence of creatorhood. We human beings have the potential to be a source of aliveness, creation, love, connection, and and magic in our lives and in the lives of people around us. In this culture, vulnerability, honesty, and interconnectedness are an ongoing part of the soft carpet woven to carry the community. You experience here people fiercely and lovingly being on the team of you and your evolution. And over all, you have a fun time collaborating with archetypal forces creating a new earth for humanity to inhabit.
— Kian Nasir, Canada
My vision of a society is a living form where children learn to build houses and to bake bread and learn how to fix a dripping fausset. And there is no money, everything is in exchange. A musician plays a song and gets carrots and potatoes and the painter paints a house and gets his garden ecofarmed…and all that just functions because of a living with the principles of councious living
— Reha, Switzerland
A culture incorporating my values is one where people source their true being and innermost values. People don’t need to know one another well to trust to be intimate and vulnerable together. Responsibility is taken to the level where there is no imbalance in wealth, everyone has or can source what they want. Being is the highest value in a being, regardless of what the do or have. Whatever activity is done out of joy of doing it. Children are initiated into adulthood appropriately and responsibly. Schools don’t necessarily exist because life itself provides with all necessary experiences. Technology is used to assists humanity and not manipulate and create conflict. Materialism exists to the extend where it serves our inner most happiness and wellbeing in all the bodies. Aliveness and life joy is sourced nonlinearly and spontaneously happening in any kind of space.
— Luca Miglioretti, Switzerland
My culture is a culture where truth is the most important value. Each individual is unique thanks to authenticity and it’s expression. Everyone follows his passion and calling. The level of happiness is very high. Connection to each other, environment and nature is very important here. Radical responsibility is a norm and a way of living
— Paweł Szczęsny, Poland
La culture que je cavite est liée intimement à l'intégrité et la générosité du coeur qui écoute, transforme et done des possibilités. Elle est centrée sur la capacité d'êtres humains responsable qui se tiennent l'espace mutuellement au profit de l'évolution. Dans cette culture il y a de la place pour les erreurs et les expérimentations et le flow, connexion au corps Archétypal est primordiale tout autant que la connexion à Gaïa !
— Gabriel Hudr Lechemin, France
My culture is based on ecstatic creation, aliveness and the continuous unfolding of our limitless potential. In this culture our currency is our non-natural value and our purpose is playing full out together, each as spaceholders, sourcing and holding a field of love, adventure, intimacy, being with, discovery, collaboration and endless possibilities.
— Lisa Maria, Teneriffe
My culture is a radically creative culture, where its people are radiantly alive experimenting new ways of expressing the values of their hearts, while discovering new dimensions and qualities of their true design. In my culture we meet Reality with uninhibited minds, eyes and heart wide open, letting ourselves be deeply touched by Reality and each other’s Beings in such a way that unlocks new potentials, and allows our qualities to blossom. This is a culture of Integrity, where we hold each other to the Dignity that we see in each other’s Beings at the service of Gaia. In this culture it is not only possible to be intimately connected with Archetypal Forces and Domains, but it is seen as a natural expression of life—the destiny of its participants. This is a culture of Love being the motor that propels consciousness towards the next step of evolution. Each step is done in its time, at the speed of love. There is infinite Winning Happening, and the teams experience the ecstatic swasheen of collaboration. This is possible because my culture is radically generous! Everything of value gets shared at the fastest possible rate and to as many people as possible.
— Vera Franco, Nomad
My culture is a culture where truth is the most important value. Each individual is unique thanks to authenticity and it’s expression. Everyone follows his passion and calling. The level of happiness is very high. Connection to each other, environment and nature is very important here. Radical responsibility is a norm and a way of living
— Paweł Szczęsny, Poland
My culture is a culture where truth is the most important value. Each individual is unique thanks to authenticity and it’s expression. Everyone follows his passion and calling. The level of happiness is very high. Connection to each other, environment and nature is very important here. Radical responsibility is a norm and a way of living
— Paweł Szczęsny, Poland
I long
for a world
where we own nothing
than ourselves whole
for a world
where Love and Water
flow where they want
always reaching
received and reciprocated
with Life
for me and you
not dammed with fear
of draught
so we can flow
in ourselves
in our rivers and veins
overflowing expanse of nourishing green
even if just for a moment
even if each will go their own way
or give themselves to the soil
and stay in us
for a world
where we don't pay for existence
with aliveness
for a world
where I care for your child with him
as you care for my child with her
as we care for our child with ourselves
— Jan Mizgajski, Poland
In my culture, feelings are welcome to be expressed, listened to, and connected to consciously chosen actions. We source aliveness from the smallest moment, starting over again and again. Actions are sourced by each person's unique heartbeat. Finding one's own unique heartbeat is a way to empower each other to be our authentic potential, where creation and collaboration are ecstatically lived, sourced from Archetypal Love. In my culture, people live in a healing village where we generously heal each other. Healing is an adventurous journey to come closer to reality. We are committed to the everythingness and nothingness beneath the patriarchal crust within each of us. Mistakes do not exist—only consequences and results that either work or do not work in experiential reality. Being radiant for no reason and delivering our inner non-material value is how we walk on Gaia. Radical responsibility is sourced from a deep love for life and a commitment to guarding and nurturing it. In my culture each beings visions are a sacred Flower to be nourished and taking care of.
— Isabel Esterl, Brasil
Taking Radical Responsibility For Your Culture
The more intensely it is revealed that modern culture is unable to create a bright future for humanity, the faster next cultures emerge. Those experiments where neither masculine (patriarchy) nor feminine (matriarchy) qualities dominate, where instead, there is creative collaboration between authentically initiated adult women and authentically initiated adult men for a regenerative future, these are thriving cultures of archiarchy.
Taking Back Your Authority
Become a Person of Agency
Shift From Consuming To Creating
Shift From Belonging to Inventing
Your Own Nanonation
U.N.N - United Nano-Nations
Codex and Traditions
Women's Culture, Men's Culture, Children's Culture
Evolutionary Culture
Culture To Culture Conversation
Respect Your Culture
Be Authentically Curious
Engage Someone In Creating Their Own Culture
Your Culture Experiments
Go to the Global South.
Matrix Code YOUCULTU.00
During whatever vacation you have, get out of your birth country, or the country you live in. Go to a global south, ‘third-world’ country, and live in a hostel or homestay that is cheap, that has good street food, and good people. Hang out. Ask questions. Hitchhike. Meet the locals. So that you can get over the Fear of leaving your parent’s culture. Until you have exited your Birth culture, your parent’s culture, you do not have the freedom of movement to grow into a Free and Natural Adult.
Matrix Code YOUCULTU.00
Matrix Code YOUCULTU.00
Archiarchy is Collaborative Creative Invention in Action
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code YOUCULTU.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!